Love YourselfValentine’s Day is just around the corner.  Give yourself the gift of Self-Care. Self-Care is knowing AND doing what nurtures you – Body, Mind and Soul.  Be sure you have defined your own personal mission. This gives you the juice to enjoy every day and to live with passion in your heart.

Personal Mission Empowering Questions

The following are questions I have gathered in my own “search for mission.”

  1. Michael Beckwith: “What is my life purpose: What is seeking to emerge in and through my life?”
  2. David Owen Ritz: “What is the universal urge moving through you that desires unique, personal expression in your life?”
  3. Tererai Trent: “What is it that you are truly hungry for? What does your soul seek?  What breaks your heart?”
  4. Cynthia James: “In an Ideal world, a world without limitations, who are you becoming? 

Too many of us are not living our dreams because we are living our fears.” – Les Brown

bicycleOnce you have a clear mission, you need to consider that the action to accomplish your mission takes energy.  Your personal mission/vision needs your energy. Self-Care is about understanding and managing your energy. The only way to accomplish your mission/vision is to have the ENERGY to take the necessary actions to move into your vision.

There’s no way you can fulfill your purpose in life unless you’re healthy enough to do so.” – Stephanie Hale Walker, MD, MPH

  1. Physical Self-Care: Nutritious food brings energy. Exercise brings in energy. 150 minutes per week of exercise of your choice.

Checklist Questions

  • Do I maintain a healthy weight?
  • Do I participate in physical activity, exercise, at least 3 times per
  • week?
  • Do I keep hydrated?
  • Do I eat healthy most of the time?
  • Do I sleep well and get my rest most nights?

My tiny step NOW is ___________________________________________________________

  1. Environmental Self-Care: Clutter traps and holds energy. Clear clutter, piles and “stuff.” Open the air in every room to move around and caress you. Study Feng Shui. Feng Shui is the ancient Chinese art of creating space that nurtures you.  It uses energy forces to harmonize individuals with their surrounding environment.

Checklist Questions

  • Do I keep clutter under control at Home?
  • Do I keep clutter under control at Work?
  • Have I tried Feng Shui? Here’s a Feng Shui tip-take a laundry basket around the house/workspace and get rid of 27 things.

My tiny step NOW is ______________________________________________________ 

  1. moneyFinancial Self-Care: Pay Yourself and invest in your future. Tithe to people and places that nurture you, sources of inspiration or the cause that lights up your life. Then live on the rest.

Checklist Questions

  • Do I live a bit below my means so that money stress is not a part of my life?
  • Do I pay myself 10% of my earning at the beginning of the month so I don’t pay myself last?

My tiny step NOW is ______________________________________________________

  1. Social Self-Care: Associate with supportive, uplifting people. Remove those who are toxic. If you can’t remove them, limit your exposure and treat yourself with a protective shield before being with them.

Checklist Questions

  • Do I have a nurturing circle of friends?
  • Is my family my greatest source of support and nurture?
  • Do I know how to handle myself when around toxic people I cannot avoid?

My tiny step NOW is ___________________________________________________________

  1. eeyoreMental Self-Care: Only allow positive self-talk. Learn to tame your inner critic, inner rebel, inner victim, inner rescuer, inner over-responsible self, inner procrastinator, inner ______, inner “Eeyore.”

Checklist Questions

  • Do I know how to handle my stress so that it does not harm me or others?
  • Do I know that my mind can be my greatest ally or my greatest barrier to me being “ALL I CAN BE”?

My tiny step NOW is ______________________________________________________

  1. Soul/Spiritual Self-Care: Meditation, yoga, mindfulness, prayer, class or spiritual center attendance, reading/listening to inspirational books, webinars or podcasts all feed your soul’s care.spiritual

Checklist Questions 

  • Do I nurture my soul with spiritual practice, creative endeavors, meditation, or mindfulness practices?
  • Do I know that time in nature is a part of feeding my soul?

My tiny step NOW is ___________________________________________________________

  1. forgivenessEmotional Self-Care: Forgiveness-work on old wounds and any new wounds-opens your heart and soul to live in joy, love and acceptance. Be open to the journey of becoming the whole, free and authentic loving being which is your birthright.
  • Find the H’oponopono Hawaiian meditation on You Tube™ and use it to clear your wounds,

My tiny step NOW is ___________________________________________________________

Whitney Houston said it best, “Learning to Love yourself is the greatest love of all.”  Take time this Valentine’s Day to take an inventory of caring for yourself so that you can go out and make the world a better place because you took action on your personal mission.